Their voices could not be silenced.
Even from the grave,
The truth would always surface:
As sure as Spirit loves.
Not if, but when.
And then freedom does follow.
For truth sets our hearts free from the bondage of our shame.
It brings salvation to the impossible…..If we let it.
Mistaken as we may have been;
The wound was not the mistake.
It was the refusal to see our loyalty to fear.
As we seek to punish and lay blame we will be wrong.
It was not our ancestors our ministers and priests.
It was not our political leaders and the elites.
It was fear and our adherence to it.
The lies we tell ourselves to justify doing what goes against our very soul.
Look around you today…..
What lines does fear have us crossing?
Controlling, demanding, attacking and defending.
It never ends…….This need to be right.
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