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Faith, Featured, Forgiveness, Higher Power, Higher self, Hope, Love

Their Innocent Light Lives Eternal

August 10, 2021


Their voices could not be silenced.

Even from the grave,

The truth would always surface: 

As sure as Spirit loves.

Not if, but when.

And then freedom does follow.

For truth sets our hearts free from the bondage of our shame.

It brings salvation to the impossible…..If we let it.


Mistaken as we may have been;

The wound was not the mistake.

It was the refusal to see our loyalty to fear.

As we seek to punish and lay blame we will be wrong.

It was not our ancestors our ministers and priests.

It was not our political leaders and the elites.

It was fear and our adherence to it.

The lies we tell ourselves to justify doing what goes against our very soul. 

Look around you today…..

What lines does fear have us crossing?

Controlling, demanding, attacking and defending.

It never ends…….This need to be right.


Somewhere in this twisted chaos lies the miracle.

A time to forgive every act and every deed.

A time to unite on common ground.

A time to relinquish our desire for control.

For we are not monsters,

We are made zombies by fear.

We are the energy of love in a human form. 

When we finally understand the eternal of our Spirit,

Death and disease will be gone, 

Yet love will always remain.

Faith, Featured, Forgiveness, Higher Power, Higher self, Hope, Love

Fear Is The Monster! We Are Love: Not Fear.

June 10, 2021

Fear Is The Monster! We Are Love: Not Fear.

The discovery of a grave containing the bodies of 215 Indigenous children has played heavy on the hearts and minds of all Canadians. To me, there is nothing more sacred than the life of a child. The actions, the cover ups and the why are finally being recognized and discussed.  Due to the passage of time, much will never be known and of course perception from a different generation makes for a very questionable jury.

Fear can make good people do and try to justify terrible things. Closed minded marriages to institutions and ideologies makes us prisoners of ignorance. We will always fall on the evil we try to hide. It is time for the Catholic Church and all other churches where they have been complicit to face their own hypocrisy. In the words of Jesus in Luke 12- “Beware of the Leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known.” It does not matter if their very existence is at stake, the church has no standing if it continues to fail the very heart of Christianity by withholding truths and covering up or ignoring “misguided” actions. 


There is no Christianity without The Christ who taught Love and relationships. He never demanded adherence through force and His teachings of sowing seeds, non judgment and forgiveness bears no resemblance to controlling and fearful kingdoms of deception. What form of Christianity were they teaching these children? Certainly in torture and judgment not one that looked anything like the ministry of Jesus whose teachings included dire warnings against those who would bring harm to a child. To ignore this? 

The inescapable irony (if I may use that word here) being our own self righteous elitism that felt these children equally born to Spirit were in need of our “superior wisdom and cultured morality.”  At the end of the day, we now see through the lens of history the ones in need of spiritual saving were not the little ones they were trying to convert, it was the learned ones trying to control the beliefs and lives of another. They were not sowing seeds of hope and love, they were planting fear and exacting control.  

In our careless assumptions and lack of trust in each other we frame these acts as being about race and religion. Woven throughout history Black and White, French and English, German and Jew, Irish and Protestant. There is no lack of racial and religious history for us to war over. They might all look a little different but they are all the same. They are all fear. Forever and eternity our atrocities and genocides will continue until we stand together and face the monster that is fear. When we finally forgive, love and trust each other we stop trying to control. Our faith in our goodness sets us free from false narratives. 

We must be careful not to judge our ancestors too harshly or lay any merciless guilt upon our nation. Colonization was all we knew and as a collective we probably saw residential schools as being a kind act of assimilation into what we blindly believed to be  a more Civilized and altruistic society. What we see today is not the outcome anyone anticipated. In todays light our ancestors were terribly wrong. However we advance through trial and error and hindsight is 2020. Today our vision is not clouded with yesterdays fear. We are not fighting the same imaginary narratives or standing in our ancestors shoes where life was a constant battle of survival. I am not excusing the actions but I am forgiving my ancestors for what they did not know.


 Todays battle with fear is in plain sight for those who choose to look. The Covid response with the implementation of mandatory mask wearing and coercive immunization is a prime example of the power of fear. The emergency measures, heavy handed monitoring and public shaming will be judged in the future. Will this be a shining moment in world unity and science saving humanity? Or will they condemn us for the unintended consequences of our actions against a false or manufactured crisis?  Will the science save us or is it the most damaging experiment ever enacted in human history?  Who will be the monster and who the victim? What monster will they blame for this atrocity? Who is the Us or Them that history will look upon? Will the monsters be those that complied or those who stood up? Like our ancestors we are following the directives of elites. Today we are swirling in the eye of the storm. We are blind to the truth because once again we chose not to face fear. In the future when history judges us it will be without fear writing the 6 O:Clock news. Without the perception of fear, the truth will be sitting in plain sight. Of course, if we choose to continue holding onto our ideologies at the expense of truth, the damage will continue to mount and our days in the sun will continue to be prolonged.

Three wise monkeys encourage us to see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil. Change evil to fear and try to comprehend how over zealously spreading fear has impacted all of our lives, especially our children. For the sake of our joy we must stop giving fear centre stage. Why can’t we focus on our happiness, hope and possibilities. We need to have more faith in that which is pure and holy, to actually understand what that means with out cringing in religious fear. To know and understand the undeniable power of Love to fix our differences and heal our own mind, body and soul. Maybe it is time for the Academics, scientists and political elite to invite a carpenter to the table? 

Nothing changes if nothing changes! Maybe if we stopped following the laws of false idols and started following the laws of the Universe we would truly begin to see the light. What we give we receive. What we teach we learn. What we seek we will find. Dare I believe things are starting to change? Are people starting to question, are they beginning to ask themselves if there really is more to their life than the accumulation of money, work, rinse and repeat?

We can continue with the insanity of doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result. We can continue to follow Fear as we have always done by controlling, punishing, blaming and hating. Or; we could try allowing and understanding and accepting and believing and loving. As I learned through an incredulous intervention “Be Still, and know.” We are safe, we are cared for, we are loved. It is only when we give the snake in the grass our ear that we find ourselves reacting to fear instead of creating in love. 



My love and healing energy to all of my brothers and sisters in our Indigenous communities.  I pray that one day soon we will finally learn and be able to forgive: Forgive our history, our present and each other. To move forward in truth without yesterdays dark shadows. How much deeper will we love each other when all hate and control and darkness are behind us?  Love is always the answer. Love is always our greatest hope. May those 215 innocent souls guide us into the very heart of Spirit, the home from which we all came and the home we will always share.  

Energy, Faith, gratitude, Higher Power, Higher self, Hope, Love, You Are Not The Boss Of Me

Another glimpse into “You Are Not The Boss Of Me”.

April 21, 2021

How does one determine an audience for a memoir?  We are pieces of our experiences and the people we have met along the way. We are all so unique and mystical and diverse and yet still connected.. I do not know about you, but for me being pegged inside a box seems insulting. I like to believe I am authentic yet ever changing. I also like to believe my book appeals to an undetermined and unlimited demographic.

My greatest wish however, would be that young people gravitated to it. I would love for them to see the opportunities I  created from rose coloured glasses and blind faith. In all of my stories and lessons, in my victories and losses, lies an undeniable thread of faith. Faith in ourselves, in the goodness of people and in the source of our energy. Our Higher selves as some will say, God for others, law of attraction, vibration, whatever ones beliefs might be. For let me assure you, one of the greatest gifts of this human journey is our ability to choose what we believe. Why we belittle and look down upon those who follow their own intuitive reality is beyond me. Trying to solve the mystery, unlock the code, discover your soul, meet your spirit, be authentic and love in totality is the adventure. When we find ourselves in proximity to the truth, we are surrounded by joy and awe and ridiculously exciting goosebumps.

To our millennials and Gen Zedders. I hope by throwing my ego out the window in my book and sharing my sky 4EA0E70A-CEBA-4AA4-976B-3C34E910C4FEis falling apocalypses you come to understand you have nothing to fear. I hope you begin to question the illusion of  society and begin to see your life truly is the narrative you give it. Trusting and believing in hope and possibilities will offer you limitless potential where as living solely from left brain logic and the fear of judgment from others will become a prison of your own making.
Right and wrong are perception. When you realize the incredible goodness and moral compass that you rely upon is also the same one others are using, you understand our need for love, connection and unity. My book is  about forgiveness and facing fear and learning to love. My book is our story, it speaks to the desires, misguided frailties and limitless potential of who we are.


Featured, Forgiveness, Higher self, Hope, Love, Red Button

Only Love Lives In This House

April 7, 2021


C17CF5D4-6E69-4EDC-B252-9BAFF013E85FDo you hear that voice?

It is your soul talking.

Heed it now.

It is no longer whispering.

Our children need us.

They are crying.

Heed them now.

It’s time to wake up.

Fear has entered.

like an odourless gas it permeates our homes.

Heed your soul now.

We must Awaken and save our children.

Fear has lied to us,

Be brave and face her. 

Her power is a false facade,

You need only say no.

No to the ego that desires adherence.

No to society’s demands of compliance.

No to all of fears threats of exile.

Open your heart to the power of your love.

Free the children.

Unbind them from fears clutches.

All our children,

Free them now.

They have voices that are not being heard.

Cries that are being dismissed.

Calls for love that we ignore.

Their innocence needs our strength.

Hear their voice. 

Wake up!

We must face that monster fear together.

Enough is enough.

Society’s judgment cannot be worth more than our children’s lives.

Stand together for the children and do not let fear threaten you with expulsion.

Turn around and say I heed the voice of my soul.

You fear, are being expelled from my home. 

This is a house where only love lives.

Love has the ultimate authority.

Love has absolute power.

Love is who and what we are.



Energy, Faith, Featured, gratitude, Higher Power, Higher self, Hope, Love

Generation Z- We Need You!

March 18, 2021

 Dear next generation to rule the world, generation “Z”.

If it was up to me, I would dub you generation “Hope”. I would proclaim this not to pressure you but rather to help you rise above. Rise above the limitations of the material world. See past the old 3 dimensional view of the world and into the power of faith and beyond. 

I am not talking religion for that word alone has been anathematized beyond recognition. If you ever want to do a study on society’s illogical emotional responses to words, God and religion would top the list of contentious verbiage. Faith would be up there but still allows some semblance of sanity when used sparingly.

 What a great challenge for us philosophy nerds – are nerds on the endangered list yet?  Can we pinpoint the most prominent words that create the most discomfort and find a way to make them pure again. Not slang or words of hate, just simple descriptive words or names that create irrational responses. 

If any group of people can make this happen I think it is dear generation Z. Why? They don’t know better and know it all like those of us who have ripened. Our darling Zedders have grown up with the intellect of the world at their finger tips. I trust that they  are still willing to try different search engines and engage in thoughts and ideas that go beyond what is being fed to us on tv and social media.

 Oops, I digressed. Sorry! I do that, I am not the easiest writer to follow. Sometimes inside my head is an episode of hoarders and writing is how I declutter- protect yourself :).


Back to faith: Faith; as I tend to state in numerous blogs, and an inordinate number of times at that, is the opposite of fear. Faith to me is the only organic, drug free tool that successfully combats depression, anxiety, doubt, stress, lethargy and a host of other complex human sufferings. Before I lose you thinking I am attacking science let me explain.

We are made of energy. Scientists (society’s Gods) have stated and proven this to be fact. I have never set foot in a physics class so I will not even attempt to go into detail. However, from what I have experienced and know, all energy has a source. Which means that we as energetic beings must have a source. So if I have an energy source, does it not make profound sense to try and connect to that source? To try and develop the best possible connection to that source with the least interference? Should that source not be where I go when I am feeling depleted? If there is a source from which I am energetically connected, does it not stand to reason that my emotional, intellectual and physical health are attached to it? 

I am not questioning medication as much as I am questioning a world that does not look at holistic and spiritual resources before introducing medicines that have been PROVEN to have other negative health impacts. Especially as it relates to our children. I do not blame anyone, not parents or health care practitioners and especially not the children. It is not about blame, it is about alternatives that societies prejudicial lens has denied or kept hidden. Once again- Generation Z, can you fix this and bring some  open minded collaborative thought and non explosive conversation to the table here? 

I don’t know about you, but I am of the belief that why would I settle for 150 amp service when I can try and connect to 3 phase power. Or better yet, those lithium crystals that powered the Starship Enterprise, or was it dilithium? Scotty would know, or Data. Would that not be the best green juice you ever drank? Just as we cannot see our energy field but we know it is there, we also cannot see our source. This is easy to follow right?


know that I personally rise and fall based on my energetic health. Physical and emotional energy being the most prominent and obvious. Yes, we can operate at a base level self propelling on will power, but this method is limiting and completely dependant on outside events and other peoples energy to influence us.  If this is all you desire then stay in the basement and watch tv. If however, you wish more from life, then may I suggest you begin your search for your Source. You notice I said “Your” Source. That is because I honestly believe that determining your own beliefs and purpose is the kick ass exciting reason why we walk as individuals on this earth plane. It is your very own crazy adventure to carve out; why not make it the best life your heart/mind can create? 

Faith is trusting in something you cannot see but know without doubt it exists. You have to feel your way into connecting to it and this is where the miracles happen, where your reality begins to change and life flows to the mystic. This life of faith holds greater adventures, greater clarity and greater focus. I used three greater’s in a row just to drive the ego side of me crazy. The perfectionist is sitting in horror screaming you do not even need a thesaurus to find a better word. I love messing with my ego.

So back to dear generation Z. You have access to all the information of which I speak of. You don’t need to have been born to a family of quantum mechanical physicists or even influenced by the teachings of a wise Shaman or mystic or minister or high priestess. I think of myself as the “She-Wolf”; energized by the moon and the stars and the natural cycles of life both in the sky and on earth. Today anyways, tomorrow I might be spreading pixie dust or over analyzing spread sheets. 

The Sage has the wisdom to understand perception. To honour freedom, to seek truth, and to remain committed to the vision even as the world around appears to be crumbling. This is faith and this is knowing. We are energy, connected to source. We are capable of communicating at a higher level and when we grasp all that this means we will come face to face with human exceptionalism. 

I am sort of writing a book on this, but in the meantime my dear generation Zedders, here is why the spiritual realm is worth your attention. You will discover that fear is something you can control. All of these wars, and injustices and even our reaction to covid are  responses steeped in fear. How can we be living in a world of such vast abundance and yet so many people are feeling helpless, unloved and live in poverty? We have been sharing darkness and victimhood when we could have been giving and sharing from our abundance of light and joy. From a vibrational alignment of our choosing.

Joy is your birthright. Our optimum performance is when we are sharing our high vibrational loving energy. The law of attraction is real. What we extend is what we receive. Note this, look around at the extension of fear through tv, then stop and breathe and realize that your happy reality is just an opposite thought away. I am connected to Source, I am limitless and I am eternal because I am energy. I am a conscious bearer of light, I am an energy God that can make a difference by the simple act of sharing the energy of joy, hope and love. I make a difference in this world by holding up a mirror to you and showing you the incredible love and beauty I see inside you. You can do the same for others, it’s our function and it is your truth. 

Faith, gratitude, Higher Power, Higher self, Hope, Love, You Are Not The Boss Of Me

Chapter 4- Fly Like An Eagle

March 12, 2021



I wrote You Are Not The Boss Of Me in stream of consciousness. Like the evolution of the book, it was not intentional.

I began writing “Boss” as a private letter in which I was sharing with unguarded honesty my gratitude to an unknown deity for an unfathomable happening. That secret letter, when I had completed it, seemed more like a chapter than a note. I vividly remember thinking, “oh,” I am writing a book; Or is that “We” are writing a book? And I remember intuitively knowing this book must be written from truth and with love. That chapter (11) had almost no edits and stream of consciousness became a great way of not only sharing from the most vulnerable of positions, it also became a way to explain actions through perception.

I call it our story as it is so relatable even if the events are different. We all fear and we all love. We all have perceived needs, strengths and doubts. I believe anyone that studies nature vs nurture will have their hands full of scenarios from my book to consider behavioural patterns. Anyone who is open minded and curious will be given ample material to continue questioning the spiritual and logical nature of life.

My biggest lesson from writing this has been learning to love myself. To be able to look at my failures and my victories and realize I am an invincible brilliant Spirit or a wounded human ego. Every single day I wake up, I get to choose whether I am love living in paradise where every desire and need is fulfilled; or will I be fear conspiring with a snake about how the world is not fair? More often than not,  I am choosing love, even in this world that appears to constantly be peddling fear.



Forgiveness, gratitude, Higher self, Hope, Love

Evolution Through Extension

March 11, 2021

If we try and mandate Love,

We will create apathy.

When we demand kindness,

We will receive grievances.

Nothing holy comes from fear.

Love and kindness evolve from seeds:

Freely shared, happily planted

Joyously extended and reciprocated 

One day; we will choose to create from love instead of reacting to fear.

One day;  we will awaken in paradise.