Intuitive painting, I call her Effie from the Hunger Games
Dear society,
Them, they, those people.
Today I claim my freedom.
I set myself free from your bondage,
I am ashamed no more.
This shame was not caused by you,
it was created by me.
I will not give you that power.
It was I who ignored my own guidance.
It was I who was too afraid to listen to the pleading of my soul.
It was I who forgot who my contract was with.
My Spirit must reign supreme.
Today I refuse, I refuse your judgments.
I refuse to live in your fear.
I refuse to obey your conformity.
You cannot smother my light.
You will not stifle my voice,
I will not shrink from my breath,
to honour your fear and deny my love.
Society….. I will not be ruled by you.
I don’t live for your pleasure,
I don’t act like you, I do not live for you.
I am me, you own me not.
A free person has no grievances.
I am no longer ashamed
I am free
You do you and I will do me.
I love you for YOU, not for what you do for me.
Will you love me for me?
None of us are special but all of us unique.
We are all love and light.
Raise your vibration.
Let go of all blame, let go of all shame.
Be free like me.
Even if it’s just for a moment…..Be free.
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