It is your soul talking.
Heed it now.
It is no longer whispering.
Our children need us.
They are crying.
Heed them now.
It’s time to wake up.
Fear has entered.
like an odourless gas it permeates our homes.
Heed your soul now.
We must Awaken and save our children.
Fear has lied to us,
Be brave and face her.
Her power is a false facade,
You need only say no.
No to the ego that desires adherence.
No to society’s demands of compliance.
No to all of fears threats of exile.
Open your heart to the power of your love.
Free the children.
Unbind them from fears clutches.
All our children,
Free them now.
They have voices that are not being heard.
Cries that are being dismissed.
Calls for love that we ignore.
Their innocence needs our strength.
Hear their voice.
Wake up!
We must face that monster fear together.
Enough is enough.
Society’s judgment cannot be worth more than our children’s lives.
Stand together for the children and do not let fear threaten you with expulsion.
Turn around and say I heed the voice of my soul.
You fear, are being expelled from my home.
This is a house where only love lives.
Love has the ultimate authority.
Love has absolute power.
Love is who and what we are.