Why We Must Forgive- Thoughts born from my search for truth and my learnings from A Course In Miracles.
I keep hearing the call for a brave new way of doing things. This next generation has not only a very strong desire for transformation; they have unlimited access to far reaching methods of communication. Their ability to advance the tides of change must not be underestimated.
However, change for the sake of change is no cause for celebration. To leave their mark on this world, or at least the mark I am sure they desire, there must be vision. Is that vision vengeance or is it peace? We must not ignore the sense of entitlement and victimhood that has permeated their human experience. The faithless fearful teachings of the thought police. Their intentions are good but their perspective is limited. Will they follow the fear- the desire for power and control? Or will they see beyond and focus on kindness, the free will and rights of everyone to live a life of self determination- Will they lead from love?
I see a world that at times appears overly anxious to condemn anyone for thoughts and ideals. A world where the pendulum has been swinging to extremes. The plethora of issues we are attempting to solve through intimidation all have a common thread. We are attempting to battle fear without faith; yet faith is the opposite of fear. Before we attempt to invoke change, we need to address the genesis of our fragmentation.
We cannot continue to carry the actions of our ancestors (our past) into our future and expect to find peace while we hold onto anger. We cannot judge from todays perspective what we did not live, and expect to uncover truth. Why do we continue to hold one another in contempt? We seek punishment like the freedom from our suffering depends on it. It does not.
The healing of the world looks the same as the healing of our individual souls. We must remove the heavy armour of victimhood and adorn ourselves in the light of forgiveness. We forgive each other and we forgive ourselves. Not the act, which may have been unforgivable; but we forgive the mistaken hearts and minds so they hold no power over us. In forgiveness we free ourselves from the heavy burden of carrying this hopeless and wretched pain. The toxic poison of anger and resentments will bring the death of freedom and joy without the antidote. The antidote is Forgiveness.
How far back do we go? Injustices have occurred since the beginning of time. How is demanding restitution from generations once, twice, or many more times removed advancing our evolution? We cannot change the past, we cannot find our salvation punishing the innocent children of the perpetrators and call it justice.
Until we forgive, we will remain at war. Tortured and lost souls seeking freedom from our suffering in darkness. The light is in us, but we refuse to shine it. How crazy is that?
Fear insists we follow its narrative that salvation is in punishment. Why does it drive us relentlessly seeking vindication.? Our ego desperate to hear the words we were wronged. I get it, I completely understand the perceived need, but at what cost? We sacrifice years of our lives, in some cases our whole life waiting for that day. Just to hear someone publicly say they were wrong? The acknowledgment that what happened was indeed horrendous, or not our fault, or ugly and wrong in every conceivable way? And yes I say to all of that, except for the fact that without forgiveness our lives are lost a second time to victimhood. Victimhood- The ruthless sword of vengeance that we unwittingly turn upon ourselves.
In addition to our own salvation, forgiveness offers healing and protection to the world. For without forgiveness, the unforgiven will become the helpless, the loveless and the hopeless. A world without hope and love is a world in fear. Only from fear do atrocities occur. Only from fear do we turn off our own light and bring darkness to our hearts. Only from fear do we place our future in the hands of an ego in search of retribution.
As I discovered In miraculous fashion; “The truth will set us free.“ It’s not about hearing the truth spoken out in words, but learning to honour and embrace the truth in and of itself. In what at times appears to be an unspiritual world, we must find the faith to let it go. Let God, Karma, the Universe or whatever faith you can reach out to (please tell me you have faith in something) let that faith mete out justice. Let the God of your understanding decide how, when, and to whom the truth makes its presence known. Turning the other cheek makes profound sense to me now. We must speak the truth and communicate the wrong. If that does not bring forth resolution then act from integrity, forgive and walk away. Knowing without doubt, that the truth will come out in time. In Divine time. As it is meant to and in the most poignant and unimaginable fashion. With the magnitude and certainty of a revelation.
What if we forgave all these past injustices? What if we forgave all the evil from our history? Genocides, slavery, internments, and confiscations. The brutal acts against humanity. All the heinous crimes that happened. We acknowledge the evil of the acts, we acknowledge that we are not those acts. We acknowledge the fear driven lessons then surrender our need to hold onto the pain. What does a world forgiven look like?
It looks like you and I starting over on uncorrupted innocent ground. A haven where we have no walls of distrust between us. No judgments and no hate. We have no desire for control, no battle raging. We are meeting again for the first time; no labels and no preconceived ideas. We meet in the light and not the darkness. Freedom from the bitterness and anguish of our past. In this moment, we are accepted, respected and loved. What every human soul has ever longed for. That churning incessant ache within has been filled with hearts united in acceptance, respect and love.
So this brave new world our children are creating. My dream is that they do what we could not. That they silence the incessant howling of fear and face it’s toothless jaws. Society has been spreading the seeds of doubt for far too long. Let’s plant new fields of hope and grow this big, beautiful, wondrous new world with love; but let’s call the cornerstone forgiveness.
Wendy Rae is a life long seeker of truth and author of the newly released book – You Are Not The Boss Of Me. A memoir based on her chaotic journey of survival and faith through the hormonal bookends of life.
***Available on Amazon- Please note, I will soon be adding my middle name Lee changing all publications to Wendy Lee Rae. If you are unable to find my book under Wendy Rae please be aware I am in the process of change. There is another Wendy Rae author and I wish to avoid confusion. See, change is inevitable so embrace it with love and make it good. I have always liked my middle name and now I get to use it.
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