We the people, human beings, citizens of the world, are heavily divided. For many of us, the November 3rd US presidential election felt like it represented a final frontier; or at least the last stand for this western civilization as we have known it. It did not matter which side you were on, it was the belief that either victor would be the fall of something. That both sides were equally strong in their beliefs that they stood for good, for love, for righteousness.
There is much discussion about the validity of that election. A smoking gun that is not going away. There is too much at stake to just ignore these accusations. Bring this into the open to be healed or risk being engulfed in flames of rage and fury. You are the great democracy, the flagship of the free world. Will you act in accordance with your principles? Or will you dismiss out of disdain and contempt the voices and concerns of tens of millions of your citizens? The world is watching. If there is no truth to the claims, then why would they not want to show without doubt the credibility of the results?
I am a Canadian. Like Americans, Canadians are not all the same. We are East coasters and West coasters. City folk and Country folk. Rich and poor. Positive and negative. Grateful and ungrateful. Believers and non believers. We are all products of our environment. Taking what we are taught and moving through the world seeing through the lens of what we believe. What we experience and who we meet will validate, change, expand or add to those beliefs. Self awareness and intentional observation create expansive thoughts. It becomes more important to know righteousness then to be right. The knowledge and understanding of truth becomes the hidden treasure, not something to stake a win on but something that brings peace and understanding.
My belief is that scientifically I am made of energy. If all energy has a source I want to discover and tap into that source. I believe my life purpose is to follow the energy of Love, that Love is my source and my spirit. I am happiest when I flow with it, extend it, charge in it. That is todays belief, it comes from within. Only I can come up with the belief that works for me. We all have our own little mystery to unfold. With each new clue we change directions, we see different, we believe different, we evolve. I do not believe all the same ideas I believed 20 years ago, it was new puzzle pieces that changed my landscape. So evolution is at play in our world today. A turning point is at hand. What do we believe in? What can we believe in together? Where is our common ground?
The USA was created on principles. Your constitution was a vision of a better world. A free world. A world of hope and opportunity for all people. Is that not beautiful? We The People is such an incredible declaration. Not “We” the Kings and Queens. Not “We” the tyrants. Not “We” the elites but We the People. Now, either you have forgotten or your hearts have changed. Now you stand for your divisions. Identity politics, us vs them. You have lost the WE. Not just you of course, we all have.
Some think the answer lies in a global reset. One world government. I have no say or control over this, so I watch. I watch what is happening in the backyard of my neighbour to the south of me, you hold the hammer. What’s it going to be? A world with many ports for our hearts desire, or assimilation under one rule with no God? Your country does not just “get over” this. Right or wrong, which is of course perspective. Right or wrong your healing will never happen without change and forgiveness. You have been dismissing and bullying and contemptuously degrading each other for far too long. We all have. Whether it was planned, instigated or organic does not matter. What matters is will you create an all inclusive vision of tomorrow or will you choose rule by force? I do not think you are the same country tomorrow. The question becomes what will you be? Do you shine the light on what has happened and seek truth with an intent to correct? Or do you continue to divide and separate?
Republicans and Democrats want many of the same things for their children. They want their children to be happy and healthy. They want them to be safe. To be knowledgeable, to have a passion, something that sparks joy. They want them to be kind and caring and many other wonderful things. But then comes religion and politics. Class warfare, culture, judgments. It is most often the judgments that creates our pain and gratitude that relieves it. Our judgments on what someone else thinks and does when we would be so much happier if we focused on our own knitting and created our own joy. I suppose we could argue that point. It’s a pretty benign discussion so chances are we would find common ground.
Unlike if we chose to discuss your President Trump or past President Trump. That would be an argument of opinions and a conversation without value. At least as far as what it is we would be trying to accomplish. Such a conversation holds only one intention, the satisfaction of the ego. Who is right and who is wrong. A conversation of which there can be no ending. The goal of establishing right and wrong for the satisfaction of the ego will never accomplish what it sets out to do. A conversation however that sets out to establish a solution is one worth having. It is here that we can work toward a common goal. It is here where the ego loses its grip on our senses and our heart mind becomes the director.
I am choosing this. Choosing to seek only enlightenment. Arguing in the cesspool makes no sense to me anymore, it just makes me ill. It creates stress and it divides in ways that destroy our joy. Creating a vision, the search for common ground, this is where solutions and peace will be found. Not trying to control another by force. Not out screaming and slandering. Not holding each other in contempt.
Do you ever stop and wonder what is happening within our hearts? When did the rules of war and battle take precedence over the rule of heart, of what it means to be a loving sentient being? This is not who we are, we are better than this. This is not an evolved society, this is mob rule. Century upon century of trying to control. When do we get it right? When do we follow our hearts, forgive and start working together? When do we stop listening to those who wish to divide us? Those who want us at war and keep us in the dark are the ones who enjoy the spoils of war. Establishing a new way where everyone wins and no one need suffer involves focusing on solutions not divisions.
This new world that is upon us. It could be so beautiful. Food, shelter, hope for everyone. An offering and opportunity of abundance. Free Will, free will to love and create as we were meant to. Something I have loved all of my life. A reminder that we are one consciousness, that when you hurt so do I. When you suffer, so do I. When you know joy and Love, so do I. It’s a statement that resonates with me, it’s very American and incredibly wise and beautiful. It starts out “We The People”……..It offers hope and it believes in happiness. Attach that document to the energy of Love. Unconditional, non judgmental, kind, caring and forgiving. Add the free will, listen to each other with an intent to solve rather than a desire to win and be right. The world is watching, the world is waiting on you, the great hope, the epitome of freedom and democracy. The land where We The People……..said we will not be ruled over by the material man anymore. Enlightenment. The vision of what is possible when you unite under Truth and Love.
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