My Gypsy soul is rising, no longer content to rest in mundane comfort.
This sail must open for the winds of passion to unfold its aching heart.
The repetitive dance of the material world.
The same four steps in a circle of insanity.
Toxic noise and clamour.
Life’s ego driven calamity.
Gypsy Soul, do what your heart was called to do.
Skip, dance, create and love your way to that enchanted Forrest of golden dreams.
Let them judge and laugh at your rebirth, you were born again.
Broken free from the time I tried to tame you.
When I extinguished your flame so you might fit in,
The time when I left smouldering the once brilliant life force within.
Gypsy Soul, A higher realm awaits you. A place where the light is remembered.
Where life is experienced and explored not controlled and shamed.
The house where thought and mysticism are wrapped arm and arm, hand in hand.
Intertwined and moving jointly towards truth and beauty.
The exploration of higher consciousness, seeking the knowing of the why.
The wisdom of the Universe, the energy of our being, the source of our love.
Gypsy Soul, dance unabashedly in the freedom of your will.
Let the moonlight caress your heart and the sun ignite your spirit.
Feel and delight in the oneness of all but embrace the completion of you.
For no step is as big and profound as the one you take now:
Until you take the next one. For that is all you had, all you have now, and all you will ever have.
The thoughts, intentions and beliefs you hold as you set sail into tomorrow.
Inspired by Van Morrison Into the Mystic
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