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Escaping my ego

December 4, 2018


Below is an excerpt from my latest book “Birthing God”. It is based on 4 years of what started as spiritual R&D and quickly turned into powerful lessons from faith.

In parts of the book I discuss different events and use the journaling/ poetry/ thoughts I wrote at the time to capture the fear as it existed in that moment. I show the actions of faith I blindly surrendered to and how the outcomes have brought me peace, joy and happiness where logic dictated there was none to be had.

Escaping my ego captures my vulnerability a couple of years ago when I was trying to decide between selling my struggling business to save myself, or going into a risky partnership that might save jobs if circumstances proved ideal. Conventional business wisdom said sell, my soul said different. I listened to my soul and chose the partnership which I initially thought ended ugly. As the dust begins to settle, a new truth is unfolding. The unexpected gifts and revelations will be in the book. Life truly is a journey in learning to love.


I stand here amidst the chaos of my thoughts, wondering which avenue do I choose . I feel the anger and the resentments rising in my throat, hurling words against the walls that are slowly caving in around me. No, I will not go there. But go there I must, for the lifelines have all been used -except the last two. They are tangled and knotted. I don’t have the strength or the desire to fix them, and once they are gone, there will be nothing. But alas there will be need again, it has been written, it has been promised.  As I look toward the future as a woman of logic, I know only a warrior would remain in this place, and I am no longer willing to feed that beast.

The ego stirs the flames- are you a quitter? Are you a pacifist? What captain abandons the sinking ship, what woman of courage would walk away?I do not know the answer, but the anger and resentments are killing me. The demands were not invited, were never part of the original dream. But they exist, they are here and if fairness were was not such a laughable goal, I could holler it is not fair and expect the world to make it right. 

So I sit and I stare at the mess before me. I am frozen and dare not move. No human would ever choose to stay in this moment, but looking left and looking right, the options are no better. Perhaps they are worse- and then what? Looking to the future, what a horrifying sight. Me, curled up in a ball while the world looks on in judgment. See what you did! To us, to them, to everyone. You did this, you had the control and you let this happen. No, I dare not look there. I have seen what people do who have looked upon that sight. It is not pretty and many are no longer with us. So where does my gaze go? There is only one place, one choice to make.

I look up. It is what we must do, we people who have lost everything. We lie on the ground in agony, and wonder why we are now filling our fingernails with dirt? Are we trying to find a deeper bottom. Are we striving to find a hotter hell? Is this why we set our sights on what lies beneath the dirt? Falling is all we have known of late. We are comfortable knowing we did not die yet, but we are terrified of looking up. Terrified to be made a fool and see the answer was and always will be what we have mocked and dismissed as poppycock!

So I look up defiantly. I say pacifist, quitter! I give up. The words come out of my mouth and I do not like the taste. But what else do I do? I am done digging in the dirt. I know what lies there. I know inside that anger and resentment, each filthy piece of soil inside my fingernails holds the makings of my grave. Pacifist, why does that word seem so ugly? It is the echo of my ego and I struggle to choke it down. These are not my words, this is not the way I have chosen to live. The light, the love and the kindness, this is where I have been living and I know it is my faith that is wavering. I am blind and I cannot see the outcome. It is fear that makes these hands reach towards the dirt. That is the direction I would choose for that is where the ego guides me. 



Look up, look up to where the light is shining. It is not the direction you thought you were headed, but it is where freedom from all this pain will be. Trust it, believe it. For in that dirt where the ego guides you lies the bottle. Lies the pain and misery and suffering you once fought so hard to escape. Let it go. Do not say pacifist. Say grace and courage. Turn that cheek in the midst of battle and say now, forever and always, I am no longer  afraid. Faith under every and all circumstances. Faith that can never be broken. It is of the mind that has conquered the ego. The ego! Our only true enemy. It is all we fear for it is the cause of all fear. Not our sisters and our brothers, but our own ego is the kryptonite that will bring us down.

Featured, Hope, Uncategorised

Faster, Stronger, @ Silken Laumann

February 4, 2018

Race Day- New gloves to help with the calluses.

It’s called Erging, that’s what the rowers do for dry land training, they erg. I have been erging for almost a month now, slowly building stamina and mastering my technique. The calluses on my hands make this real. Real like I could walk around St. Catharine’s during the Royal Canadian Henley Regatta and ask people if they have seen my crew.

There are only two erging machines at the fitness club I joined, so I question if I should share this. What if the other women start to discover the joy of erging? I am not sure how I feel about having to wait my turn to get my erg on. Just me and my moving vision board. Close those eyes, put the play list on shuffle and live it. Rowing on the St Laurence, home of 1000 islands and dreaming which one will be my retreat and who will be there waiting for me? Fabio?  Perhaps a road trip to the Okanagan Valley in Kelowna BC?

In my head while Erging I think I have won at least 10 Olympic gold medals. Two of them were in doubles rowing although I am not sure if the young woman next to me was aware that we won. She did tell me her name is NOT Marnie McBean or Kathleen Heddle. She also had no idea what I was talking about when I mentioned I wanted to be the Silken Laumann of Erging. I have decided to tone it down on the rowing lingo. I told one woman she would catch a crab with that stroke and I am not sure she has been back to the gym since.

When I am not erging for gold, I erg for me. Yes I love my country but I have learned you cannot give from an empty cup. Solo erging is more about the breathing and the music. It is heart centred and can be quite spiritual. I call it insperging and hope to offer certification classes once I feel I have mastered it. Insperging involves placing your hopes, dreams, desires at the end of your row. Whether it is career, health, love or healing you bring it to the boat. Put on your music, take a few deep breaths, think about heart centred joy. Close your eyes and imagine each stroke is bringing you closer to your dreams. Here, in this moment. Quiet, powerful, unlimited love and abundance.

Next thing you know, 30 minutes is done and you are ready for Disco Circuit Training or Clubbing It with weights. As your personal empowerment coach I will take you Himalayan stair climbing or La Tour de France seat cycling. When I think you are ready I will introduce you to the treadmill twist and shout.

It’s all in our heads and our hearts. You can go “work “out , or you can go create your dreams. What are you insperging for? Put that music on shuffle and don’t stop until you hear the right song to bring you home. Erg baby Erg, you got this.



Faith, Featured, Hope

Dear Daughter

February 1, 2018
    Best Mothers Day Ever!
Best Mothers Day Ever!

Best Mothers Day Ever!

Dear Daughter,

You are away at university. My little girl, my greatest gift. As much as I was excited to watch you spread your wings and fly, I was not ready for what that meant to me. I miss your energy, I truly, truly do. I do not wallow in any pain or sadness, it is just the realization that I need to up my game plan and fix that energy void.

I think of what I have taught you over the years and it hits me hard. I will never forget the day I was worried you might be hurt by some words in my book. you said to me “Mom, you do you and I’ll do me.” Wow, I thought I was the teacher; yet you brought me the lesson. In you I have changed and in me you have grown, how amazing is that? Over the course of the last 5 years I have  drastically changed my perspective on life. What I have lived, what I have read, what I have witnessed. With an open heart these things finally sunk in. So in this moment of truth and clarity, it occurs to me there are things I said or did when you were young that I wish to ask you to un-learn. I have no doubt, you probably already have as you are quite clever. But just in case, I need to say this. It might actually help me up the energy vibe I miss so much.


If when I taught you to be careful I made you fearful, then please un-learn that now. Fear is the biggest monster you will ever encounter. It freezes you, it controls you, it makes you mean and it robs you of your joy. Do not let fear run your life for it will limit you. It will keep you from pursuing your dreams and finding your purpose. Remember there is no such thing as “What If,” there is only “What is.”


You must accept where you are but never accept that you cannot change where you are or how you feel about it.  If I caught you too many times when you were falling, I apologize. I realize now that you must fall so you know how to get back up. We all must fall sometimes. It is here we start to truly understand humility. It is here we truly learn to be accepting, loving and gracious of others.

This is acceptance. You are here and want to be over there. Accept where you are and then choose to go forward. You cannot change how you arrived but you can change where you go next. Make sure you lighten the load and go forward in the direction of your choosing. Do not bring guilt and regret along for this next leg, leave them behind and carry only love. Love for you, for others and for what you do. There is nothing that lightens the load more than love.


Making the right choice is of you, it is in you. The right choice is not what you want the world to see of you, it is of you. Integrity is the easiest thing in the world to have, but sometimes it feels so hard to implement. I think everyone has integrity, it is the degrees of fear that make the difference between living with it, or without it. Do not be fearful of making the right choice, for it is only fear that will take you in the wrong direction. The right choice is easy, the answer is immediately in you. Go with what your intuition tells you, it is always right. If your intuition tells you not to go there, that is not fear talking, that is truth. But if fear tells you to lie, you will feel the discomfort and it is there the troubles will begin. Your integrity is intuitive, they blend together seamlessly. A life built on integrity will allow you to walk with courage and grace, not because you are trying to project it, but because it will be your truth.


When you are uncertain in your decisions, use truth as your  guiding light.  Truth is not about showing the world you are right, it is about quietly learning what is right. Truth is knowing when to lead and when to follow. It is when to speak and when to listen. Truth is that you have no control over anything except your own actions and emotions. Your entire life will revolve around truth whether you are consciously looking or not. For it is in truth that life will make sense and give you joy. Truth will hit you hard on the head or bowl you over from behind if you try to ignore it. Truth will not go away and you can never hide it. EVER!  If you put truth at the forefront of all of your actions, than never will it hurt you. If you choose to make it your guiding light, than even when you err, you will have won. For in that mistake you will have found something you were searching for.


There is always hope as there are always miracles. By you being you. By living and loving and seeking all of the beauty and gifts in this life, you will inspire hope. By using the abundant energy that pulses in your being, you will be a conduent of hope. Hope infuses and ignites, it soothes and hydrates. Breathe hope into the world and it will never let you down. It will shine back at you in glorious magnificence.


Get to know faith as intimately as you know yourself. In fact, faith will help you find out who you truly are if you trust it. Call it your higher self, higher power, God or the universe or whatever. Just know that there is something connected to your spirit that knows and loves you unconditionally. Something that will lift you up and guide you through things when no human power ever could.

You have no control so stop worrying. Do the next right thing and let go of the outcome. Faith is knowing that this is happening for you and not to you.  That forgiveness and healing can be given and received in the moments when the fire has never seemed more out of control. Fear will never enter when you know that you are safe.  Carry this always, for it will escort you through the darkest hours and allow you to grow joy from the least fertile of soils.  In faith you will be fearless. You will not know depression nor will you be anxious. You will have the knowledge that everything is as it is meant to be. You will have infinite courage.

You, your friends, your generation. You excite and inspire me. You do not appear to be judgmental or reactionary. I believe that in all of you is an opportunity to bring forgiveness to the world and let the healing begin. That is it, isn’t it? Time we stop punishing each other for yesterday, time to let go of victimhood and pain- I don’t want this pain anymore, let it go! Time to begin anew with complete world forgiveness. Like the words you once said to me. “Mom, you do you and I’ll do me. “  Let’s stop trying to do each other. Stop trying to control one another, stop punishing one another, stop judging one another. You do you and I’ll do me and lets just move forward in love and forgive all of that stuff in the past. All that stuff we had nothing to do with, or never intended, or misunderstood, or wrongly judged. All that stuff we cannot change. Lets just all focus on fixing ourselves. You do you and I’ll do me and tomorrow will be bigger and brighter and more beautiful than we ever imagined. We will be free of guilt, free of anger, free of resentments and ready to love.

Wow, I just cannot believe all of the things you have taught me. Imagine all of this from “You do you and I’ll do me.”

Love you,


Faith, Featured

Seek Beauty

February 18, 2016
Seek beauty

We all have this unique amazing journey, it’s called life. None of us will go through it without trials and tribulations, perfection does not exist.

So as I navigate my way through each day, I have noted the way road blocks and various obstacles impact my well being. They create drama, they influence my attitude and they make me anxious.

They never bothered me as much in my youth. Tomorrow was a long way away, leaving me with the feeling I had forever to get it right. Everything was just a part of an exciting adventure when you are growing up.

Now, as I have reached the other side of 50, there is a sense of urgency. I know -or shall I say I think I know, where I want to go. Road blocks take up time and I am a little more aware of what that means. And that is the problem, we have this regimented vision of where we are going and anything that pops up we see as an obstacle.

When I focus on seeking beauty, it applies to everything and everyone. I really try and stop myself from getting caught in anxiety traps. A walk in nature is ideal, but if you cannot make that happen, do whatever you can to get out of your own way.

Yesterday was a perfect example of wasted time, unexpected problems and feelings of stress. When I realized what was happening, how I was reacting and what it was doing to my feelings of peace and happiness, I stopped and started positive self talk. I wish I had started doing that earlier in the day, breathing, letting go, taking myself out of the stress moment and focusing on what makes life pleasant. I stopped every controlling thought process and sought beauty, it transformed my day and reminded me how important it is to live in the moment.

When I seek beauty,  I know I am exactly where I am meant to be right now. I can accept and be at peace and know that each step forward is all that matters, not the horizon, just the step in front of me.

Featured, Hope


February 15, 2016
Life beginning on wasteland

Hope is ever powerful. Poor is the one who is living without it and rich is the one who is filled with it. We can have it, we can need it and we can give it. Hope can be granted in an instant and removed in a flash. When administered externally it can be deceptive and false, but when it is consumed internally it can cure the deepest wounds.

Hope is not an extra $20 on a welfare cheque, it is a job and all of the possibilities that come with it. It is not the instant relief of a pain killer, it is the uncovering of the problem so a plan to go forward can be made. Hope is believing, it is knowing in your heart that tomorrow will be better. It is always knowing that you have something to give, that you have control of you.

We can wish for a cure, for better financial circumstances, for world peace, but that is wishing and it fills your mind not your soul. True hope needs believing, you need to believe you are on the road to wellness, to better days, to internal peace. A wish can be granted in the form of instant gratification…Look, here is an unexpected hundred dollars but wishing is an I want where hope is everlasting.

My desire is to build a blog that inspires hope. I want this to be a place filled with possibilities and positive energy. Some days I may write a mini novel, other days just a thought. But I am building, and that fills me with hope.

Faith, Featured

Intuition- Dare I say Faith

February 15, 2016

I have been working on listening to my intuition for over a year now. That little voice in our head that says something is wrong, or that feeling in your gut. I have taken it to another level where I am actually looking for clues, trying to live in the moment and see what has been placed in front of me as opposed to just getting to from point A to point B.

In this new light a number of things have happened. One instance was asking myself if I was making the right decision and walking outside to see a magnificent rainbow. That could be called coincidence but it felt glorious.

Another incident that happened a few months ago was far more profound. I had just left work and I was at a red light waiting to turn left, there was one car ahead of me. The light turned green and he did not move. Now I am not one to lean on the horn and think get moving you bleep bleep, I am more likely to give an uncomfortable beep to say oopsy you are day dreaming and have not noticed the light has changed :) On this day however, I stopped myself from honking, that little voice said be patient and wait. It seemed like an eternity but my friend ahead finally woke up and started to move…..Then life happened, he just missed being T-boned by a car that ran the red light at what seemed like a very high speed. Had I honked either he or I would have been hit, and when I say hit I mean hard. Had I honked and he had been hit I would have owned that guilt for the rest of my life. Had it been me that was hit, I would have had to have suffered those consequences whatever they were.

I have had a number of these situations over the course of my life and called them coincidences or weird. As time allows or when they come back to memory I hope to journal them or share them. It is something to think about and I would love to hear from others who have encountered similar moments. Times where you know there was something else at work, that side of life that we can not see or touch but know it is there.

Featured, Red Button

How Do Wars Start?

February 15, 2016

To me it is so simple, it is either the desire to own another mans house or the need to control or condemn another mans actions, nothing more basic than that.

So how have we evolved?

We elect governments that take no issue with robbing from Peter to pay Paul.

Governments that no longer exist to be Caesar but rather we have elected them to play God, to rule over us and not for us.

Not only do we insist on controlling the actions of others, now we pass laws to control their thoughts. We are no different than our ancestors, we are burning witches at the stake. We are dismissing the voices of others as we come to believe that we know best. We attempt to control through corrupt marketing and laws that will place us back in bondage.

Perhaps if everyone worked on tending to their own souls, there would be no more wars?

Free Will and the right to self determination, each one of us searching, each one of us unique. Our commonality is we all share this single entitlement, the right to self determination.