Coronavirus: A Gateway to Freedom and the “New” New World
July 28, 2020
To some of us, Coronavirus measures are a form of Conscription into a war we do not believe in. We did not want to enlist in this battle. It is not that the threat was not plausible, but rather the measures were disproportionate to what was tangible. If one case created this threat, how does a world of almost 8 billion isolate this down to extinction? I understood the demands on healthcare but for people like me, there were not enough facts to justify the actions. Also for people like me, freedom is synonymous with being alive.
In Canada, far more lives are severely impacted by alcohol abuse. Over 19% of Canadians describe themselves as heavy drinkers, We have over 15,000 deaths and 90,000 hospital admissions directly related to alcohol abuse every single year. Compared to 8900 Corona deaths that is a staggering number. And yet we still consume and sell alcohol. We still accept every young person is going to try it, even knowing it is a game of Russian roulette. To compare the death toll in Canada to the USA, we are roughly 10% of their size. That would extrapolate to 150,000 alcohol related deaths, yet their estimated annual alcohol related deaths is at 88,000. That is still an extremely concerning number but it certainly shows Canada has a problem. Alcohol abuse is growing in both countries, accumulating more lives every single year. Where are the cries for prohibition?…….No worries, I am a free willer, I am not starting a movement.
We know that stress, unhealthy eating and lack of exercise are common factors in being afflicted with heart disease, stroke, diabetes, cancer etc. Yet still we take our chances. There is a significantly greater likelihood of death by any one of the above then there is from the virus. The vast majority of us have control over all of these things within our own choices. The strange part is, many of us never choose to exercise our free will in these areas. Instead we opt for a magic pill to save us if need be.
And this is what drives those of us who value freedom crazy. There is so much we can do to take responsibility for our own lives and actions. Yet todays common wisdom or lack of, is that people feel entitled to have everyone else be responsible for their health and happiness. This is, and always should have been about extending assistance, support and resources to those at risk and those that felt at risk. That is how we act with compassion and kindness. Not by force but by natural human empathy. Not by demanding one portion of society pay dearly to alleviate the fears of the other.
While some people are at home enjoying extended paid vacations, or isolating without physical, financial or emotional concerns: Others are losing life, home, businesses and retirement savings. Where is the compassion for them? Do their lives not matter? Many do not want sympathy and charity, they want their right to self determination.
If you really want to try and grasp the great divide of the mask, the lockdown or the threat of mandatory vaccination you have to be willing to remember the mindset of the early settlers in North America. They came here to be free of British rule or other forms of oppression in their native homes.
Now 250-400 years ago, immigrating to the USA or Canada, “The New World”,was not like it is today. You did not purchase a ticket on your preferred mode of transportation. You did not have the perfect job lined up and you did not have the excitement of house hunting for the dream home most appealing to your dharma.
What you did have was a desperate desire to be free and own your own property. They were tired of living in serfdom and wanted the right to self determination. Some people headed to the promised land to avoid incarceration or a death sentence. Some had an overwhelming sense of adventure, they were willing to die for their thrill seeking. In those days people were willing to die just to actually live.
Their adventure began with avoiding disease at sea, capsizing in extreme weather, running into uncharted shoals. Should they survive the trip and make it to land; they had to contend with clearing forests with hand tools, building shelter, finding food, and unforgiving winters. Chances are their travel companions were not always aware of the golden rule. Life was a different type of fear back then, it was called survival and you had to always be on guard.
Today however, with diversity, education and information sharing, a new North American is being crafted. What we once celebrated as desirous has come to represent medievalist behaviour in the eyes of the new guard. As the new conspire to hurry the change, we “Free Willers” are reeling in shock. If we are not stunned by the lines being crossed, then we are crying over what we once cherished being considered disposable. If we are not crying we are angry or worse yet, numb. Although open to change in the form of compassion, health and knowledge: Freedom is still the basis of our identity. We are the true believers in Live and let Live, a philosophy the world desperately needs right now.
We don’t march in parades telling people what to think, but we do stand up in the moment when integrity and courage are called for. We don’t tear down another’s house for their thoughts. We don’t wish harm to those we disagree with. We are charitable in our acceptance of another’s right to choose.
Every generation has their meddlers and controllers, every one of us has been guilty from time to time of being one. The world of today however, seems to hold the need to control others as a virtue and not see it as the weakness it truly is. Our need to control another is the dark shadow of fear operating within us.
When we try and dismiss each other’s voices then we stoke the fire. The answer to heal the divide is not in determining who is right; it is in establishing a mutually appealing vision of what is right for all of us. It is inclusive and respectful. When people are being asked to suffer at the expense of the others security or desires, then it is not the right vision.
If the “American Empire” is to survive and not be a footnote like the Roman Empire then a “New” New World must be considered. The one thing the early settlers had in common was a vision of freedom, self determination and a commonality in faith. If you think about the founding principles of most countries, they were united in faith. The division in America may look political but the theology vs secular component is often the root cause.
According to the late Dr. Alexander Tyler who published the Athenian Republic, the worlds greatest civilizations only last around 200 years. He penned the 8 cycles of democracy to describe the phases. The order he lists is.
From bondage to Spiritual faith
From spiritual faith to great courage
From courage to liberty
From liberty to abundance
From abundance to selfishness
From selfishness to apathy
From apathy to dependence
From dependency back into bondage.
It feels to me like we are sitting in position number 8- From dependency back into bondage. I am a great believer in choosing how we perceive things, so although bondage Feels like a form of torture to me; the idea that I might witness the beginning of the cycle from bondage to spiritual faith holds appeal. We have an opportunity to create an even better world. My hopes are on the new age spiritual faith movement that has been seeded over the past couple of decades. It allows for all faith within a common theme of the golden rule, love and unity. We are all unique individuals but our paradise is found in hope and opportunity for all. This is where America either heals with a new vision or implodes in its division.
Spirituality is the journey to the higher self. It embraces science and faith and is open to all forms of religion and faith based learning. We are energy beings. Spirituality seeks to uncover the source of that energy. We are born with intuition, a sixth sense that offers wisdom we can access. Spirituality desires to strengthen and evolve in a world of endless possibilities. Operating from a heart centred, peaceful, victimless, position of personal choice and responsibility. Not self centred and materialistic, but kind, loving and wisdom seeking.
The way to that paradise is through forgiveness. Forgiving the past and moving forward in trust and abundance for all people. I see this as a time where we stop the insanity of doing the same things over and over and seek a new solution. We have been following and sharing our anger and resentments. We are filled with victimhood or guilt and shame. We are falling into the abyss of the virus of fear. It is eating away at us from within. We can keep feeding on that stuff or we could choose to create a vision instead.
The world is way out of balance right now. In energy healing terms, of which science concludes we are made of energy: We need to get our chakras back into alignment. Let’s focus on opening up that crown chakra to a loving world of abundance, hope and possibilities for everyone. We Free Willers are easy to work with. We love truth and aspire for the best possible outcome for all.
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