Each time we impart our biased visions on our children.Visions as to who they are and what a proper life looks like.We are setting up a road block on their journey of self determination.
Self determination is one of the most powerful gifts we can offer our children. Encouraging and helping them learn to love all aspects of themselves. A very critical component in navigating life with a positive disposition anda joyous heart. Loving ourselves is how we learn to accept and love others in the same open minded and compassionate way.
Our perceived need to control who our children become is our own battle with fear; with society’s judgments. These are the things that create depression and anxiety. The disharmony within that stifles the natural needs of the soul.
Don’t we all need to explore and discover what our own unique peace and happiness look like?
What a wonderful gift to be alive in this time period. We no longer need to be narrow minded to survive. We can afford to be expansive so we can fly.
We have the luxury of less strife and more time to teach love, kindness and compassion. Spark curiosity and encourage imagination. Show them inner strength and offer them safety and security in love; not material possessions. Faith in a love that is greater than our fears is essential. Encourage them to explore the physical, emotional and spiritual Source of their energy.
The most personal and important questions we will ever ask ourselves is who am I and why am I here? The mystery of life, the magic and the miracles all stem from the search for those answers.
Inform your children about all of the theories you have heard and tell them about what you believe. But why limit their search to the little box that was drawn for you? Encourage them to find their peak potential and satisfaction by searching for that Higher Love. God, Source energy, the Universe, Higher Power- Whatever nourishes their Higher Selves. Just the knowledge that all life is sacred and they are a light that needs to shine. Shine away the darkness with positive thoughts and energy.
Stop letting fear foster the message of who you want your child to be. Open your heart and let them show you how beautifully they dance to the beat of their own spirit. When we allow everyone to operate according to their own blueprint – their own will: We may discover that our uniqueness operating at peak performance; in tandem with others; creates the luminous and vibrant coloured world we have been searching for.
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